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Dry Toes Waterproof Merino Wool Socks


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Waterproof & breathable
Waterproof & breathable

8000+ mm hydrostatic head & breathable to 10,000+ g/m2 /day.

Merino wool
Merino wool

Luxurious merino wool inner


Introducing 100% waterproof Merino Wool socks – a game-changer for hunters, hikers, farmers and boaties. Ensure your feet stay completely dry - the ultimate footwear solution!

Say goodbye to soggy socks and wet feet with the Bushbuck Dry Toes Merino Socks. Designed to offer ultimate comfort, support, and dryness during outdoor activities, these socks are a true game-changer for any adventure.

Featuring an innovative three-layer system, these socks are durable, waterproof, and incredibly comfortable. The outer layer boasts a rugged face fabric. The middle layer incorporates a waterproof and breathable membrane, keeping water out while allowing heat and moisture to escape. Lastly, the inner layer is crafted from cozy and odor-resistant Merino wool, providing superior comfort and insulation.

With an impressive 8,000mm waterproof rating and 10,000mm breathability rating, equivalent to top-quality waterproof jackets, our Dry Toes Merino Socks ensure your feet stay dry, warm, and comfortable throughout the day. Whether hiking in the rain, snow, working on the farm, or enjoying a fishing trip, these socks will exceed your expectations.

Please bear in mind that while the Dry Toes Merino Socks are highly waterproof, they are not designed to prevent water from coming over the top of the socks. Stay dry and comfortable outdoors with Bushbuck Dry Toes Merino Socks.



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