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Brands BG

Our Brands & Partnerships

Over the years, Bushbuck has expanded as a company & forged close relationships with brands that align with our mission and values.

Brand Card 1


Founded in 2012 in Christchurch, New Zealand, Bushbuck has grown into an industry-leading hunting brand and expanded into international markets. Our disruptive direct-to-consumer business model allows us to deliver maximum value to our customers while upholding the highest quality standards



Seabuck is a Bushbuck brand dedicated to diving, spearfishing and ocean hunting. Launched in 2020, Seabuck was a natural progression for Bushbuck. Building upon the innovation and engineering Bushbuck is known for, Seabuck offers a full-range of high-quality wetsuits and spearfishing equipment for the most discerning ocean explorers.

Prym1® Camo

Prym1® Camo

Bushbuck's chosen camouflage partner, Prym1® is an advanced camouflage technology that utilises the detailed colours and tones of nature and the organic shapes and characteristics of wildlife to effectively conceal your movement in the outdoors.

Nissan Partnership

Nissan Partnership

Bushbuck is Nissan's official hunting brand partner in New Zealand. We chose Nissan because it's a reliable and trusted brand that's aligned with our values of innovation and adventure. Our Nissan Navara and Nissan Patrol company vehicles get us where we need to go, without fail. We also provide the Nissan team with Bushbuck gear for events and cross-promotional opportunities.



Bushbuck is proud to promote and stock Grangers waterproofing products. We recommend Grangers for keeping your Bushbuck jackets and tents as waterproof as the day you got them. You can find a range of Grangers products in the Bushbuck shop.