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Down Wash Kit

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Grangers Down Wash Kit is a complete product protection package designed to make caring for all down-filled articles as easy as possible. Each kit contains one bottle of Grangers Down Wash and three reusable drying balls.

Grangers Down Wash Kit is a complete product protection package designed to make caring for all down-filled articles as easy as possible. Each kit contains one bottle of Grangers Down Wash and three reusable drying balls.

This kit combines our Down Wash with three handy dryer balls, making cleaning down so much easier.

 We’ve all avoided washing our down jacket or favourite down sleeping bag. It’s scary, isn’t it? You’ve invested your money in a lovely jacket that keeps you warm and dry and yet in one wash, you could reduce it to a clumpy disfigured mess – but taking care of your down is essential. If you don’t keep it clean, then it won’t perform as well, and this is why we invented our Down Wash kit, to take away that fear.

 This kit includes:

 Down Wash, a powerful, yet gentle, cleaner specifically formulated to clean all your down and synthetic down-filled articles without damaging or inhibiting insulation or hydrophobic properties. Normal detergents shouldn’t be used on down articles as they can hinder the performance by leaving various chemical residues behind and reducing the garment’s ability to insulate or repel water. Luckily, Grangers Down Wash is exactly that, a wash that has been formulated to thoroughly clean down items without damaging the delicate material within.

3 dryer balls, which are reusable (up to 1000 washes) and perfect for preventing clumping and ensuring that down articles restore their loft. 3 dryer balls, which are reusable (for up to 1000 washes) and perfect for preventing clumping and ensuring that down articles restore their loft. Previously, people have used tennis balls, but these can actually leak colour onto the garment and crush the down. We recommend these dryer balls as they gently restore loft, meaning your down will be back to maximum performance.



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