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Puffer Jackets

Need a new puffer jacket for your work, weekends, or wild adventures? Don’t settle for puffer jackets that rip easily, leak down, and can’t get wet. Our range of durable canvas puffer jackets, lightweight puffer jackets, and waterproof puffer jackets will keep you warm, dry, and protected wherever your adventures take you. If you’re after a hard-wearing, water-resistant puffer jacket, the Polar X is our most popular option. For a lightweight, compact, 100% waterproof puffer jacket, the Furnace is a solid choice for outdoor missions. And for a heavy-duty, ultra-warm, waterproof puffer jacket for extreme conditions, our Igloo will see your right. Loaded with ethically sourced RDS duck down and engineered for the hard knocks of the great outdoors, Bushbuck puffer jackets are a cut above the rest.

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